We are a Husband and Wife team (plus the Children & Grandchildren),
that love taking photographs and historical ancestral research.
We just photograph what we see and like. We, both come from families whose fathers spent all their spare time taking Photos and then hiding away in their darkrooms to develop and print them, then with the very special ones they would hand colour/paint their photos. We both watched and learnt from our fathers.

As a teenager I was lucky enough to be able to photograph the original Red Arrows at RAF Manston. I went on to do work on RAF high speed film and have the use of a RAF Photo Lab. In the 70's I also began my interest in computers. My work-life and my hobbies were always joined. As time moved on I left the darkrooms and entered into the world of Giclée.
My Wife was always busy ‘making’ (crafting as it’s now called) for the children and taking photos.
When we met one of the first things we found we had in common was life, the Sea, the Countryside, the setting & the rising of the Sun, and the little magical things in life that pass by so quickly that they can never be seen again. We both had that desire to try and capture that magical split second of time to keep forever.
Nowadays with Digital cameras we are no longer limited to just a few rolls of film.

What we hope makes us different, and we hope adds to the magic of what we produce, is that everything, is ‘our’ work
Everything is 100% us; from the click of a camera, the selecting of that one picture, the work on the computer, the printing and the mounting; from the web site to the balancing of the books (wife’s department).

Due to the many requests from friends and family for copies of our photos, we decided to publish a selected few.
Every Photo in our collection has been hand picked from our personal collection, each one has been picked for that extra little piece of Magic that we think it has. All Magical-Photos are our own we do not use other people's photos. 
We have however included a few taken by our children.
All our Magical Photos are as they were taken, the Magic we hope they have is nature not manmade, and all we do is trim out the rough edges.

Photo Restoration and repair.

This part of the business was founded in 1972 and has operated in various forms since that time.
Today our main interest is in the Ancestral area of Photo Restoration.
Photos / Prints are scanned at very high Resolution to archival standards, then Salvaged/Repaired/Restored by hand and individually. No automatic restore systems are used (sometimes this becomes a labour of love due to the time taken to restore some photos)
We also sell Art Prints that are produced from are photos then given a little bit of computer magic!
We have a lovely range of greetings cards, these include Handmade & Prints we show a few here but we have an unlimited range, each card can be customised just for you.
We sell our prints for you to enjoy, we can offer sizes from postage stamp to 2M x .420M we supply on photo paper, photo card, canvas etc.
We can supply plain prints, with borders, mounts or fully framed. 
Or if you have that Magical Photo we can also print that for you.

Thank you for visiting us, and hope you can something you like.


Who are we?? What are we??
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